วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Why Love is leading in Our Life

I love you - the three magical words. Everyone wants to say them. Only few population result in it. Others keep searching for the excellent to come. But still Everyone like to love someone. Everyone hunt for the it in some form, may be in girlfriend/boyfriend, a friend, mother, father or any relation ready out there. But why it is important to find love in life? The rejoinder is very simple. We have three basic needs Food, Cloths and Shelter. I would like to add it to the list.

See the lonely peoples nearby you, who have all in life but do not have anyone to love, share. Because the two basic things to live are Love and Food. Think about a small poor child, who does not have anyone to wear. Still he is happy and playing around. Why because he have the two things Love of mum and Food. Now see how much important love is in our life.

We do anyone we can to impress our partner. What is the basic intuition behind it? attentiveness of her/him. It is very easy equation love = life. I do wish money, shelter, clothes and all the things ready there to make me happy. But more than this I wish love to live, let it be in any form. There is nothing in life with we can compare it. We need to feel it by our heart. It is the only way to know it. Love more live more is the new quota today.

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